Hakko Denshin Ryu

No Challenge Resistance Inujry

Hakkodenshin Rengo Kai

Founder Soke Garcia Antonio ​


A Journey of Mastery and Influence

Born in Spain in 1955 and later relocating to Belgium, Antonio Garcia’s early engagement with Judo and Modern JuJutsu laid the groundwork for a life dedicated to martial arts. His transformative encounter with Hakko Ryu Jujutsu in 1975 set him on a path to Japan, where intense training under Shodai Soke Okuyama led to unprecedented achievements, including becoming the first in Belgium to earn a Hakko Ryu grade and the head instructor title.

Rising quickly through the ranks, by 1981, Antonio had received the highest Hakko Ryu honor, marking the beginning of his international influence. His visionary leadership saw the expansion of Hakko Ryu across Europe and the founding of Hakko Denshin Ryu, a new martial arts discipline under his direction. Today, his legacy extends worldwide, inspiring over 1500 practitioners across continents. Discover the story of a master who turned his passion into a global martial arts legacy.

The Heart of the Eight Light


Embracing the Gentle Power of the Invisible Light

Hakko Denshin Ryu, translating to “The Heart of the Eight Light,” is a martial art that emphasizes the unseen, powerful forces of restraint and non-injury. This art teaches practitioners to control aggression without confrontation, embodying values of no resistance, no challenge, and no injury. Explore how this disciplined approach not only protects but also respects both practitioner and adversary, offering a path to peace and ethical integrity in the face of conflict.

Recognized Shihans

Want to meet the masters who keep Hakko Denshin Ryu thriving? Our recognized Shihans span Europe and North America, each one an inspiring guide to martial excellence and ethical practice.

Shihan group picture TaiKai 2024, France

Worldmap of Hakkodenshin Rengo Kai​

Ever wonder how far our passion for martial arts extends?

Explore our interactive map to see every country where Hakko Denshin Ryu has established dojos..